主 题:美国政府间关系
主讲人: Rutgers University-Newark 张梦中教授
主持人:西南财经大学公共管理学院院长 唐兴霖教授
时 间:2014年6月3日晚上19:30—21:00
地 点:经世楼B201
主办单位:公共管理学院 科研处
Dr. Mengzhong Zhang joined the School of Public Affairs & Administration (SPAA) at the Rutgers University-Newark on 1 July 2013. From August 2007 to June 2013, Dr. Zhang has been appointed at the School of Public Policy at University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) as a Research Professor and Director of the Chinese Executive Master of Public Management program in August 2007. Before joining the UMCP, Dr. Zhang was an assistant professor in Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) from 2004 to 2007. He earned his doctoral degree from Rutgers University-Newark Campus in 2004. Dr. Zhang had played the role as Co-Chair of Section on Chinese Public Administration of American Society for Public Administration until 2010. Dr. Zhang is Associate Director of ASPA's US/China Public Administration Secretariat, co-chair of ASPA’s Section on Chinese Public Administration and Associate Director of National Center for Public Productivity (affiliated to Rutgers University-Newark).
Dr. Zhang is well published in the area of public administration. His paper (co-authored with Prof. Jeffrey Straussman) "Chinese Administrative Reforms in International Perspective?" (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT) won the annual Outstanding Paper Award for Excellence in the April of 2002. He has seven co-edited books and six translated books (from English to Chinese) published so far. He had the honor to co-edit a special Issue for PAR (Public Administration Review) with Dr. Marc Holzer [Comparative Chinese/American Public Administration (Supplement to Volume 69, 2009). 160pp.]. Dr.Zhang authored book Policy Transfer Across National Boundaries: A Case Study of South Korea's Knowledge Cooperation Projects [Paperback] was published by Scholars' Press (September 25, 2013) with 224 pages.
Dr. Zhang’s articles appear in Public Administration Review, Public Performance & Management Review , International Journal of Public Administration, International Journal of Public Sector Management , Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, Public Administration and Policy, Chinese Public Administration and so forth. Widely recognized by the Chinese public administration community, he has been appointed as adjunct/guest full professor in more than twelve universities. Dr. Zhang was appointed as Senior Research Fellow at the China Research Center for Public Policy. He was invited as Senior Research Fellow for Chinese Public Administration (core PA journal in China) and for Renmin University of China. He is playing the role as managing editor of CHINESE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW (USA). He also serves as an editorial board member of a few esteemed academic journals, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE AND MANAGEMENT REVIEW (USA), PUBLIC VOICES (USA), JOURNAL OF PUBLIC MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL POLICY (JPMSP) (USA) (all these four are ASPA Journals), GURULUK BUSINESS REVIEW (GBR) (INDIA) and Genesis-A Caravan (India). Dr. Zhang also serves as an academic board member of Fudan Public Administration Review (China). Dr. Zhang has been invited to review academic articles by a number of journals such as Public Administration Review, Public Performance & Management Review , International Journal of Public Administration, Chinese Public Administration Review, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Public Administration and Development, Urban Affairs Review, Comparative Technology Transfer and Society, Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, etc.
Over the past years, Dr. Zhang has been successful in bridging the cooperation between US and China in the field of public administration. He has facilitated a number of Sino-US International Conferences on Public Administration. In 2010, Dr. Zhang had played the role as one of the four co-Chairmen for the Fifth Sino-US International Conference on Public Administration [Theme: Financial Crisis and Role of Government, June 14-17, 2010, Xiamen City, P.R. China]. He has been invited to deliver lectures at more than twenty universities in China (such as Peking University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Wuhan University, Zhongshan University and so forth). Dr. Zhang had advised more than One hundred and eighty one Master’s Degree theses at University of Maryland at College Park (USA) and Twenty-one at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).
Areas of Teaching and Research Interest:
Public Administration History and Theory; Public Sector Management Reform; Statistics, Quantitative Methods, Policy Analysis, Public and Nonprofit Management, Organizational Behavior; Comparative Public Administration; Performance Management; Modern Governance; Public Budgeting and Fiscal Reform.